
Antonio Moretti, a successful entrepreneur in the field of fashion, has succeeded in putting the province of Arezzo on the map for wine critics of the world. Before him, Arezzo was considered something of a Cinderella of Tuscan oenology. Moretti was a sort of mid-wife who has managed to bring out the potential of the territory, creating wines of high quality, of international status. The champion among the wines of Setteponti is Oreno, an international blend of Bordeaux grapes, Cabernet and Merlot, with a lengthy aging in sall oak barrels: a wine of true finesse, which competes with the great wines of the châteaux of Bordeaux. The other important wine is Crognolo, thoroughly Tuscan, a Sangiovese, the traditional grape of the region, with a small percentage of Merlot. A wine of character, genuine, and rare fascination. Very interesting as well is the Chianti Vigna Pallino (the name of an old vineyard, recently replanted), immediately pleasurable without any sort of oak aging. These wines come from the area of Castiglion Fibocchi in the lower Arno valley, in a landscape frequently painted by Leonardo da Vinci. The estate takes its name from the fact that, in this stretch of the Arno, there are exactly seven bridges which join the two banks. The property originally belonged to the Savoia-Aosta princes who, in turn, had received it from Leopoldo of Hapsburg (it was they who planted the original Vigna Pallino vineyard). In the 1950’s, Alberto Moretti, the father of the current owner, purchased the first lot of 125 acres of vineyards, which included the Vigna dell’Impero, planted by the Savoia-Aosta family in 1935. With successive purchases the Moretti family has put together a property of approximately 825 acres, much of which consists of woods and game reserves, and125 acres of high-density vineyards (seven thousand vines per hectare). 安东尼奥•莫雷蒂(Antonio Moretti),时装界闻名的企业家,成功地将世界酒评家的目光吸引到了阿雷佐(Arezzo)。在这之前,阿雷佐在托斯卡纳地区酿酒界还属于一个“灰姑娘”。而莫雷蒂算得上是一个“接生婆”,他明白如何激发土地的潜力,生产出优质的葡萄酒,并提高其在国际上的地位。七桥酒庄所产葡萄酒中的典型是欧雷诺(Oreno),一款国际化的葡萄酒,使用了波尔多式的混合,即赤霞珠与梅洛,在小橡木桶中进行长时间的陈化。这是一款优雅且极其细腻的葡萄酒,可以与波尔多最好的酒庄酒媲美。另一款高品质的葡萄酒是克罗诺(Crognolo),是一款不折不扣的托斯卡纳,由地区特产的传统葡萄圣乔维斯酿成,并调制以少许梅洛。一款充满个性的葡萄酒,完整、魅力十足。令人感兴趣的还有波利诺园克安蒂(Chianti Vigna del Pallino),得名于一个近期内翻修过的古老葡萄园,一款可以立即饮用、能够带给人好感的未经陈化的葡萄酒。这些葡萄酒诞生于瓦达诺菲博基堡周围,此地美丽的风景曾经出现在莱昂纳多•达芬奇的画笔下。酒庄之所以叫这个名字,是因为跨越亚诺河连接两岸的桥共有七座。
这里原本属于萨沃伊•奥斯塔(Savoia Aosta)的王子们,从哈布斯堡的利奧波多手中得来(正是他们第一次在波利诺园开始栽种葡萄)。在20世纪50年代,现任庄主的父亲安东尼奥•莫雷蒂开始买入50公顷葡萄园土地,包括萨沃伊•奥斯塔早在1935年就开始种植葡萄的帝国葡萄园在内。随着莫雷蒂家族接下来的收购,目前酒庄面积已经达到330公顷,其中包括为狩猎准备的森林,还有50多公顷以高种植密度闻名的特殊葡萄园(每公顷种植7000株葡萄)。